Monday, 16 February 2015

Bio-mechanics Exercise Technique (BMXStrength)

How Bio-mechanics Exercise Technique is four times faster than old systems of exercise.

How and what’s the operative principle behind that.

It’s absolutely true and tested on thousands of people over last 20 years, by Neeraj Mehta and his team 
1. 80 % use of main muscle (muscle for which we are exercising), 20% use of supporting muscles
2. The main difference is relaxed contraction, where one can use stored energy economically, and enhance performance.
3. Because of main muscle use is more at the time of exercise, that muscle strength and endurance will develop faster.
4. Because of BMXStrength, the flexibility will increase followed by better range of motion of the joints hence the muscle will develop faster. 
5. Body posture is correct so one can easily balance the entire body, and give the muscle more isolation.
6. Can use concentric and eccentric contraction to its maximum.
7. Tempo of the exercise is also slow and controlled, to give results faster.
8. Breathing plays very important role, when performing exercise, to circulate the blood to the muscle properly so that it enhances the performance.
9. Because of balanced workout to the entire body, the growth hormones increases the muscle performance and get results in short time. 
10. Maximum safety and maximum results comes, when not compromising with the right technique of BMXStrength

Neeraj Mehta (PhD)
Alternative Medicine and Human Biomechanics
Celebrity Fitness Expert and Nutritionist
Director: GFFI Fitness Academy (INDIA)
Contact: +91-9811309667, +91-9810111018

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