Monday, 16 February 2015

“9 sure fire ways to age earlier in life” By Fitness Expert and nutritionist Neeraj Mehta

1. Shortening your telomeres by eating greasy foods, being stressed out and not exercising.

2. Refusal of antioxidants in your diet.

3. Weakening the immune system with a pro-inflammatory diet.

4. Packing in toxins with a highly processed diet, tobacco smoke and smog.

5. Eating junk food and becoming overweight. Eventually developing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease which require medication.

6. Upsetting your neurotransmitter balance with fad diets and skipping meals.

7. Having low nitric oxide levels with too much saturated fats and clogged arteries.

8. Not wearing sunscreen.

9. Weakening muscle and brain cells by becoming sedentary

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