Wednesday, 27 April 2016

What should you eat after a rigorous workout session?

What should you eat after a rigorous workout session? This!

Here's why you need to pick your post-workout snacks carefully

You jog like a maniac or sweat it out in a gym. Then you come home and help yourself to a slice of fruit cake. Here's a wake-up call: Your choice of post-workout snacks make or break your not the to recover after a moderate to strenuous workout.
The ideal diet should include two-third portion of carbohydrates and one-third portion of protein--this combination results in an instant energy boost apart from countering reduce muscle fatigue and aiding repair.

Exercise and Nutrition | What To Eat After Workout
Jan 13, 2012 - Knowing what, and when, to eat can help you maximize your fitness ... workout meal 15-30 minutes after an intense weight training session.
The 7 Best Things to Eat and Drink After Your Workout | GQ
Apr 13, 2015 - The 7 Best Things to Eat and Drink After Your Workout ... muscles aren't going to build themselves—especially not after a hard gym session, ... Hartwig, M.S., P.T. To power intense workouts, the body breaks down muscle ...
Food as Fuel - Before, During and After Workouts
Jan 8, 2015 - What is the best food to eat before working out? ... “But there are some things you should do before, during and after you work out.” ... But, for longer, high intensity vigorous workouts, she recommends eating 50-100 calories ... Scientific Sessions · Stroke Conference · You're The Cure · Global Programs ...
The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workout - Shape
Eat these foods before and after hitting the gym to build muscle, lose weight, and speed up recovery. ... How to use the power of nutrition for optimal results ... not giving yourself the fuel you need to power through an intense training session.
What Not to Eat After a Workout | Men's Fitness

An intense, calorie-burning workout can do wonders for your physique, but it doesn't give you the green light to go to town at the nearest Burger King once ...

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Can't sleep? Foods that can help u sleep well

Can't sleep? Foods that can help u sleep well
by Neeraj Mehta

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for a healthy body, mind and soul. In this busy lifestyle of ours, we tend to imbalance our diet thus affecting our holistic development. 

Proper intake of food does not only help us lead an efficient work-life and metabolism but also helps us take proper rest and sleep.

1.Fish: Fish is considered to be very nutritious. Fish such as Tuna and Salmon contain Vitamin B that helps trigger sleep inducing hormone Melatonin

2. Rice: Rice varieties such as Jasmine Rice happen to be excellent to trigger sleep inducing amino acid called Tryptophan

3.Cherries: Cherries are not only aphrodisiacs but also help in getting the body to be comfortable in order to sleep well.


16 Foods That Help You Sleep | Reader's Digest
Walnuts are a good source of tryptophan, a sleep-enhancing amino acid that helps make ... Old wives' tales suggest that warm milk can make you sleepy, but the truth is any .... “Just because you can't dance doesn't mean you shouldn't dance.
9 Foods to Help You Sleep - Eating Well › Diet & Health › Nutrition News & Information
Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of a successful slumber. Some people have trouble falling asleep. Others can't stay asleep.
10 Foods That Make You Sleepy - Sleep Inducing Foods
Aug 29, 2013 - Take a look at some of the foods proven to keep you up at night, and the ones that make you tired, so you can get your sleeping schedule back ...
Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep With Pictures - WebMD
Could a good night's sleep come down to your diet? Discover ... If you could pick the right foods to help you get the best sleep possible, wouldn't you? And if you ...
Bedtime Snacks Can Help You Sleep - WebMD
Bedtime snacks actually do help you sleep through the night. ... down while you sleep, so eating too much can make you uncomfortable, cause GERD ... Good choices include a small bowl of cereal and milk, a few cookies, toast, or a small ...

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Damaging Effects of Too Much Sugar in the Diet

Damaging Effects of Too Much Sugar in the Diet

Mainly from soft drinks, fast food and desserts.

Excessive sugar in your diet can not only make you gain weight, but can also negatively affect your overall health. Extra sugar your body does not immediately require for energy can easily be converted to triglycerides, a type of fat that can then be stored around your waist as well as in your hips and thighs.

Sugary beverages, such as soft drinks and fruit-flavored punches, are the worst offenders because their liquid calories do not affect satiety and can even make you crave more.

The sugar you eat eventually makes its way into your bloodstream, where it can elevate your blood sugar levels. it puts you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.


Damaging Effects of Too Much Sugar in the Diet | Healthy › Diet › Restricted Diet
Sugar provides an average of 16 percent of the calories in the standard American diet, according to the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010," mainly from soft ...
What Happens in Your Body When You Eat Too Much Sugar?
Discover the devastating side effects of too much sugar (fructose) ... Sugar, in my opinion, is one of the most damaging substances that you can ingest – and ... body, and what are the side effects of eating too much sugar on people's health?
10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You
Added sugar can cause harmful effects on metabolism and contribute to many ... However, if the liver is full of glycogen (much more common), eating a lot of ...
‎Everything in Moderation - ‎6 Healthy Sugars That Can ... - ‎Why Sugar Can Harm You
Damaging Effects of Too Much Sugar in Diet - › Food and Drink
Jan 31, 2014 - Sugars are the building blocks of carbohydrates, the body's main source of energy, but too much sugar can contribute to health problems such ...

Friday, 22 April 2016

Common myths about Exercise amongst Women

Common myths about exercise amongst Women

Do you avoid lifting weights because you think it will bulk you up? Are you under the impression that running on treadmill for 30 minutes a day will make you lose weight faster? Have you been cutting carbs from your diet completely because you think it will help you in managing your calorie intake? Well, if you have any of these misconceptions in mind then it is time to change these perceptions.

The never dying myth-

The never dying myth amongst ladies is that cardio workouts (running, swimming, walking etc) are better than weight training. They have a perception that lifting Dumbbells or barbells will give them bulky muscles. To tell you the truth, you will get bulky if you weight train yourself only if you are on steroids.

In order to volumize your muscles one should have a hormone called Testosterone in their body. As we all know that Testosterone is a male hormone, female body does not produce this hormone. So you can free your mind from the fear of getting big if you lift that 7.5 Kg of Dumbbell.

If you see any female with big bulky biceps then this Testosterone was given to her from external sources. You can mark my words on this.

Weight training v/s Cardio-  I am going to explain the difference between these two in a very simple manner, and then I am going to leave the decision of on you.

While doing cardio your body depends on carbs and fat stored in body for energy. After cardio no recovery is required so after the session your body does not burn any calorie from fat.
When you do weight training, you body depends on only carbs for energy. After the session muscle recovery is required for which body now uses fat from 4 hours up to 48 hours after the session.
Cardio will make you lose fat along with muscle mass. Which will give you loosen skin.
Weight training helps you in gaining muscle mass, which will help you in toning up.
You require calories to even preserve your muscle mass. It requires 7 calories to preserve 1 gram of muscle mass. So you would be burning more than usual calories even when you are doing absolutely nothing.

I hope all these points will make you reconsider your workout routine. But that is not it. There are many other misconceptions about exercise amongst ladies. Below are the Top 5 myths busted.

1. Squats are bad for my knee-  If you have been thinking that doing Squats will probably damage your knee joints, then you are absolutely wrong. Squats are, in fact good for your knees. Doing full range of motion is even better. This movement improves the lubrication in the joints and would strengthen the connective tissues, ligaments and tendons. Having said that, Squats are extremely effective in toning up your Glutes muscles. It will help you in shaping up your lower extremities.

2. No exercise during periods-   In response to this I have one question; WHY? Why you should not work out during your menstrual cycle? I am not saying that you should compel yourself to hit the gym even if you in major pain. But Lot of studies have proven that low intensity exercises during the menstrual cycle, reduces the pain. It will also help in relieving those uncomfortable abdominal cramps. Exercise boosts up your blood circulation, improves your mood, and keeps you healthy. I just gave you 3 good reasons to workout in your periods.

3. Dead lifts are guys thing- Dead lifts are not at all a guy’s thing. Dead lifts are very effective workout for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that it stimulates your lymphatic gland which is in your Thigh region. Lymphatic gland is responsible for releasing growth hormones in your body. Along with that, if you are thinking of cutting that stubborn belly fat then dead lifts should definitely be the part of your workout routine. It strengthen your core muscles, hip muscles and leg muscles.

4. Spot reduction-   Technically speaking it is not possible to lose fat from a particular part of your body; you lose fat from all over the body. A lot of crunches would not help you in having a toned abdomen, only triceps extension would not help you in defining arms muscles. You need to include various exercises in your routine, which engages your arms, core and all other body parts. This way you would be able to lose a significant amount of fat from throughout the body.

5. Exercising solely can help me lose weight- Exercise alone would not be able to give you much result, your eating habits needs to be changed as well. You have to watch your calorie intake. Never starve yourself; it is not good for your metabolism. Eat in small portions at least 4-5 times in a day. Your diet should be balanced with right amount of carbs, protein and fat.

Written by Neeraj Mehta (Fitness Expert and Inventor of BMXStrength ®, Globally)

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Beta-alanine is the building block of carnosine, a molecule that helps buffer acid in muscles, increasing physical performance in the 60–240-second range. Beta-alanine can aid lean-mass gain. Carnosine appears to be an antioxidant and anti-aging compound.

When beta-alanine is ingested, it turns into the molecule carnosine, which acts as an acid buffer in the body. Carnosine is stored in cells and released in response to drops in pH. Increased stores of carnosine can protect against diet-induced drops in pH (which might occur from ketone production in ketosis, for example), as well as offer protection from exercise-induced lactic acid production.
Beta-alanine has been shown to enhance muscular endurance. Many people report being able to perform one or two additional reps in the gym when training in sets of 8–15 repetitions. Beta-alanine supplementation can also improve moderate- to high-intensity cardiovascular exercise performance, like rowing or sprinting.

Standard daily dose: 2–5 g.

Large doses of beta-alanine may result in a tingling feeling called paresthesia. This harmless side effect can be avoided by using a time-release formulation or by taking smaller doses (0.8–1 g) several times a day