Tuesday, 23 September 2014

How walking, or running helps women

How walking, or running helps women

Regular (Aerobic and Anaerobic) exercise is a powerful medicine that helps mitigate virtually all the negative changes women experience at midlife and beyond.
First we need to understand, the response of running is in human body. When you do running, the cardiovascular system provides rapid regulation of heart rate and effective distribution of blood in the vascular circuit. This maintains blood pressure and followed by enhancing the metabolic process.
It is good if a female add brisk walking or running in her life style. It is advisable that women should jog or run, at least 3 times for 20 minutes, a week. High impact aerobic / fast running is the root cause of injuries, so one need to listen to the body, before starting any fitness program or challenge, but yes challenge will give more benefits. One can go for interval training in running that will increase cardiovascular endurance and muscle endurance.
When one run for a longer duration, after some time when the body gets tired, we start dragging one foot, lead to cause knee injury.
You need to find a comfortable balance between movements. It is necessary to understand the biomechanics of your body, and when you run or jog on any surface or treadmill, you try to run with the balance of your feet lateral edge so you will not get any strain on the ligaments of your knees.   

Aerobic exercise decreases both physical and mental symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). Follow two main, commonsence cautions: not running to the point of breathlessness or getting overheated.
Walking /Aerobic exercise will helps to decrease the challenges during Menopause and Per- menopause, relieves negative symptoms such as anxiety and depression, improves cardiovascular fitness.

In Pregnancy, brisk walking, low impact aerobic exercise build and maintain heart and lung capacity and endurance. It is a good choice for the women who are previously inactive. Avoid fast running that have serious risks of falling or any other abdominal extreme contraction which is not at all good for fetus even. Running in general reduces labor pain and other pregnancy associated medical problems. Follow same, commonsence cautions.  
Brisk walking / Running is one of the best stress busters, strengthen your heart, keep your arteries clear, boost your mood, and stay active and independent as you age.

Basic physiological and physical changes in a women body, resulting from running or brisk walking:
Reduced body fat content
Increased blood supply to muscles
Increased muscle mass (with strength cardio-conditioning) 
Reduced serum lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) from blood
Reduced resting heart rate.
The lungs increased maximal oxygen uptake.
Increased blood supply to heart muscle.
Increased glucose tolerance.
Reduced strain resulting from psychological stress.
Reduced risk of arteriosclerosis.

Written by Neeraj Mehta (Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)